Welcome to The Order of the Epicene
the holy order of the epicene is comprised of circles of people who choose to live outside of the polarized gender spectrum.

we are an international disorganisation open to anyone who defines themselves as epicene, and feels the call to live this life in service to community and spirit. we are the tenders of the sick, the keepers of the libraries and archives, and the companions and facilitators for people's transitions, whatever they may be.
we see ourselves as bridge builders, as caregivers, archivists and historians, artists and teachers, innovators and lorekeepers. throughout history, every culture has had epicene people in their communities and religions. in 1972, the gay american indian movement coined the term two-spirit, to have a common name to call themselves. we have been called the 'walks-betweens' as it is said that we walk in between the realms of men or women. in ancient sumeria, we were called the reed-people, the ones who lived in the spaces between, as in between the land and the sea.
our circles have been connecting and meeting for the sabbats for the last 10 years. we have been gathering and meeting, via many methods of connection. many of us also identify as radical faeries, and create gatherings within gatherings. our members currently span the globe, with folks in england, australia, and france, as well as across the u.s. and canada.

currently we maintain the epicene pagan library. we are ever cataloguing and organising the primary collections, those of kalyn tranquilsson, john mcclimans, and emily garlick, as well as others. our intent is to continue to provide the library as an open community resource to the queer and pagan communities.
our longterm plan is to create a pagan epicene retreat center and hospice with a focus on elder care. in addition, we help support epicene caregivers around the country, both in their work and their self-care. we are deeply committed to the concept of notaflof, no one turned away for lack of funds. EVER. access to information and care is crucial in any community, especially in subcultures such as ours.
our perspective on donations is more if you can, less if you can't, no-one turned away for lack of funds. all donations are gratefully accepted. all are tax deductible, just let us know that you need a receipt. with many thanks to the multiverse, we encourage people to donate whatever they are able, be that monetary, time, materials, organisational skills, or something we haven't even thought of yet.
we gratefully acknowledge the fellowship of the spiral path for their kindness in taking us under their umbrella.